July 3, 2019
Janet Eliot Zora Marianne Elise
Soldiers Grove
Watercolor painting outside with Leslie was like dying wood pulp, while walking backwards through light and time in the forest….Janet. A chance to slow down and look. To connect the eye with my hand. To observe color in natural light and translate through the brush.
An invitation to be creative with no pressure or obligation. One of the parts of participating that feels so exciting is that it is not really about the outcome of the painting but the process of looking, using color and feeling what it is like to paint.
An excitement about landscape painting that I have not personally experienced. The invitation by Leslie and feeling of being guided through a process I would never normally initiate. -Marianne together in peace
to capture reflect nature
create in color -Zora ELIOT_ I do wish to revisit our watercolor moment at Annie’s. I’ve thought a lot about the slowing of time at Annie’s place with the watercolors. It was an eyeopener to realize that maybe what I need so desperately right now in this pandemic is to stop and look, use paint as a meditation I have since done some watercolor here on our property and I want to continue when I find the time, not as a medium to master but as a way to enjoy a moment, a way to contemplate, a way to experiment with seeing. It doesn’t require too much like doing a sketch of a design with premeditation.
The other day I went to Michael’s (the closest art supplies) to get my mother some gouaches for her birthday, I thought that it would be an improvement from watching TV all day.
I got to the counter and thought to myself, wait a minute I’m jealous, I don’t even own some gouache paints. But I refrained from buying myself a set as I have so much in the way of art supplies, some barely used. What I really needed to do was find the time and inspiration, to shut everything out except the existential beauty of a moment.
I want to thank you again for allowing me that moment at Annie’s. It stays with me!