August 13, 2019
Melissa Oresky
Humboldt Park
I love that great camping table setup. So elegant, so efficient!
All the colors are pulled out. The colors are already perfect before we paint with them. Leslie keeps them bright and separate. I muck it all together and try to dig the image back out.
The lily pads are moving, and they go faster than we expect. I can’t remember if they were opening or closing over the course of our session. (I made a painting about them later.)
I forgot almost everything that we talked about, except that we kept switching between narrating our experiences of making and talking Chicago in the 90’s. 7/26/18
We got rained on just after we set up. I didn’t try to make anything good, and I don’t remember what either of us made at all. It’s just a relief to be outside with no distractions. Leslie was tired from travel. The weather was exciting and unpredictable. We were thwarted but that was fine. 5/9/20
I’m looking into the backyard and Leslie is painting cut flowers. My six year old son is painting with us too. We’re staring out the window and spacing out, having kid-centered conversations. I’m trying to simulate the weird colors of the trees. I’m noticing Leslie’s eyebrows. She really has amazing eyebrows. We’re sharing our experiences of being homebound, and our fears. I finally feel like I am getting the hang of watercolors, even though I still can’t leave things be.